10 Billion Downloads From Apple's App Store, And Counting

Call this the perfect example of how an underdog can rise from total in-existence, to total domination. If we look back to the mobile applications market three to four years ago, Windows Mobile was king, Handango and Pocket Gear had all developers in their pockets, and worse of all, Mobile Applications would rarely cost anything less than $10. Buying Applications on your device before the App Store could be done, but it wasn't safe, and it couldn't be done by the average user.

I'm honestly not sure if Apple ever made the iPhone with the idea of building an App Store. My best bet, is that they didn't. It took them a full year to forget about the whole Web Apps idea, and come up with an App Store on iOS 2.0. Two and a half years later, and both Apple and the developers reach the 10 Billionth download landmark. As much as people thought that all the tight controls Apple enforces on developers to get all these Apps to our pockets were going to doom the store, history proves the concept does work. Surely we still don't have the ability to try before we buy, but I guess that hasn't stopped people from spilling their wallets all over the store if things rarely cost more than $5.

Kuddos to all developers for their great work, and here's to another ten billion downloads!

Source: (Pocketnow)

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