Windows Phone Live Service Screenshot

We first heard about the Windows Phone Live service last week, now that some preview devices are out there, it looks like we've got a screenshot of how the service's interface is going to look. Unfortunately it's not the extremely cool Kin Studio, but it will match everything else in Windows Live just fine.

It looks like the Windows Phone Live service will be part of the Windows Live Devices service, which includes the new Windows Live Sync. Windows Live Sync is the new Live Mesh which you can install on any number of your desktop computers in order to keep certain file folders synced up with the cloud. Unfortunately it sounds like, at least innitially, that the Windows Live Sync part of Windows Phone 7 is only going to support OneNote. There's no mention of SkyDrive or Live Sync access to other types of files like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDFs, etc. No syncing of important things like that.

However, you do also get image file syncing! There will be an option that will allow your Windows Phone 7 to automatically upload photos taken with the device to

How badly do you wish that Windows Phone Live also supported direct file access to Live Sync and Skydrive file shares? Is the only way to access Office documents really going to be through Sharepoint or email attachments?

Via: (PocketNow)

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